My journey with the federal criminal system began in 2014 with a knock at the door at 7am from the Memphis Police Department. I’ll never forget the words,” The feds want you.”

My journey with the federal criminal system began in 2014 with a knock at the door at 7am from the Memphis Police Department. I’ll never forget the words," The feds want you." I remember thinking about what the feds could want with me. While I went through my pretrial decision, I decided whether I wanted to accept a plea agreement or proceed to trial. I had the most traumatic experience with my court-appointed attorney. He did not want to help me in any way with my case. No investigating my case, interviewing witnesses, or really anything. He told me, to my face, that I was guilty and to accept the plea agreement. I fought for my life, filed my own pretrial motions, and proceeded to trial. I was given eight years, which was far less than the fourteen years I was facing. However, while I was in prison, I wanted to learn everything about criminal law. I ended up meeting a judge who taught me how to research statues and other things. I won my first direct appeal in prison on an over sentencing issue. And thereafter, I started assisting individuals with their release.  I was released early due to the First Step Act after filing my own motion, and now I am dedicating my life to helping those that are impacted by the criminal justice system, whether it is federal or state. I am committed to providing a range of prison services that enable those who are incarcerated and their families to navigate the complex legal and administrative processes involved in incarceration. My expertise includes consulting on the First Step Act, Criminal Case Review, Second Chance Act, and early termination of supervised release.

At M2K Supportive Services, we’re not just allies, we’re your champions, standing with you every step of the way towards justice and liberation.


This refined service offering includes a disclaimer emphasizing that the provider is an advocate, not an attorney, and that any information provided is not legal advice but rather informational.

  • Embarking on a legal journey can be dauting, especially for those encountering the system for thr first time or for anyone disillusioned by it. Our 30-day Guardian Watch offers you a compassionate ally. We work alongside with your attorney, ensuring the legal system unfolds to your best advantage. Imagine us as your legal guardian angel, vigilantly. ensuring that every step taken is one that benefits you, counteracting the complexities ad challenges attorneys may bring.

  • Federal Cases Sprint through the legal system, a pace that can easily overwhelm anyone. With “Federal Case Navigator” you gain a steadfast partner in what often feels like a whirlwind. Our expertise lies in making sure no critical step is missed amidst the rush. We’re here to ensure that every box is checked. every necessary step is taken, and that you’re not just another case being rushed through the federal criminal system.

  • We specialize in advocacy services for individuals in Tennessee throughout the pretrial, trial, and sentencing phases. Our dedicated team is here to provide comprehensive support and representation, ensuring that your rights are protected at every stage of the legal process. From navigating pretrial proceedings to advocating for you in the courtroom and during sentencing, we are committed to fighting for your best interests every step of the way. Trust us to be your advocate and ally during this critical time.

  • This service offers dedicated assistance to incarcerated individuals, providing support with various personal affairs and administrative tasks. Our goal is to alleviate the burden of managing personal matters while incarcerated, allowing individuals to focus on their well-being and rehabilitation.

  • The Federal Grievance Assistance Program (GAP) offers dedicated support and guidance to individuals navigating the grievance procedure within correctional facilities. Our mission is to empower individuals to effectively address grievances, advocate for their rights, and seek resolution to concerns within the institutional framework.

  • In Tennessee and Virginia, I offer The Grievance Assistance Program (GAP) offers dedicated support and guidance to individuals navigating the grievance procedure within correctional facilities. Our mission is to empower individuals to effectively address grievances, advocate for their rights, and seek resolution to concerns within the institutional framework.

  • Our Federal and State Our Legal Liaison & Advocacy Service (LLAS) provides dedicated support to bridge the communication gap between individuals and their attorneys. We serve as your steadfast advocate, ensuring seamless communication and persistent engagement with your legal representation. Our mission is to uphold your rights and interests by maintaining informed, dedicated, and consistent collaboration with your attorney.

Schedule your Appointment

M2K Supportive Services, a beacon of hope and pillar of support for individuals at various stages of the justice system-whether pre-trial, during trial, Appeal, sentencing, post-conviction as well as incarceration. Schedule your appointment to see how we can help.

Empowering individuals affected by the Criminal System and their families

Our team is committed to standing by you and your loved ones every step of the legal journey. We're here to provide unwavering support, ensuring you have the tools and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of incarceration with confidence and dignity.

With our blend of empathy and expertise, we empower individuals and families alike, offering not just assistance, but a compassionate hand to hold through difficult times. We recognize the unique challenges you face, and we're dedicated to helping you navigate them with strength and resilience."


Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the criminal procedures associated with pre incarceration and post incarceration. We're here to offer support and guidance to both individuals and their families throughout this challenging period. Don't hesitate to choose a convenient method for submitting your inquiries and documents to us